Large Colorful Pieces

Here is some work that is more colorful, mostly large pieces. Some
have won some contests, or have been featured in Tattoo magazines.


Christina's backpiece is a partial coverup/fixup and took about 26 hours over a 1 1/2 year period. She won the 1st place trophy for Womens Backpiece in Color at the 1992 North Coast Images Tattoo Convention in Cleveland Ohio in May of '92. You can see her showing off her, uh, trophy with RJ Rosini and Creeper after the awards. She was pretty happy as you can see. Click on the magazine cover to see the very cool feature done on her in EasyRider Tattoo(TM) Magazine #39 Nov '92.

I have done another large piece on one of Chris's hips since this work was done. I'll add photos of her other work, later on.


Actually here are some nice tattoos that haven't been in any contests or magazines or anything but, like I said they're nice. The first set of photos are of Carol. She had quite a few small tattoos when she first started coming to me.  Her hip was a collage of ideas, starting with the warrior girl and then the lion and the lamb. The light  pastel American flag  gave way to japanese swirls and peonies, cherry blossums and clouds. Besides the hip piece I also did a backpiece on her, als a collage but a grander scale and I'm still looking for those photos. Next is Bruce, the crazy mailman who drives a futuristic custom Corvette with plates that say....Berserker! Guess that explains the Tattoo. Bruce, also has several other large pices I have done for him. The last clown is another custom piece I drew on a guy at the San Diego Tattoo Tour convention in March of '93.



Here's a couple of color tattoos in the Japanese style. Although I don't work in this style so much any more, I am still really fond of it. I started tattooing in the mid 70's and the "Americanized Neo-Japanese" style was really being developed and was also cutting edge tattoo imagery of the day. Both of these designs are based on designs Paul Jeffreys of Smiling Buddha Tattoo in Calgary, Alberta Canada. The back piece on Freddy is directly from Pauls design. The other is a hip piece I did in 1990 on Julie from Australia. The tattoo is based on a couple of figures of Pauls design and I worked in the dragon and water and rocks. This was featured in the Tattoo magazines and entered in the contests at the National Garden Grove CA convention in '91. I'm going to add a link to show you those photos and then show how she won best womens colored leg piece at a Western Australia tattoo convention and had it featured in an Australian tattoo mag. I'll also show you that someone else got credit for it


Well here's a couple of smaller tattoos, but they're colorful

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